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A faster easier way of Grooming that WORKS! We are voted time and time again by our customers to be the BEST and they have tried them all! We don’t just sell a product, we help solve your grooming problems! Wash or No wash we have a product for you!

Our Polisher is truly one of the most valued horse products out there ! Saves lots of TIME AND MONEY, let alone, a 12 oz.bottle of polisher CAN last aprox.6-9 months, for one horse with an average mane and tail, with proper application. People spend more on dewormers , fly sprays and other misc. items, that last only a month. Be a smart shopper and do what’s right for your horse and wallet!
Lasts 5 X’S longer plus….than any other product out there!!

A blend of high quality silicones, water soluble and non for the perfect formula, wit keratin and Vitamin B.

The ingredients of today are not the same as those 20 years ago, when silicones first entered the pet grooming arena. Misconceptions and misinformation remain due to their constant presence on the Internet. Instead of covering up and hiding the use of silicones in grooming products, we would encourage manufacturers to own their silicones and join the effort to educate users.

Silicones are great with the right recipe!

Benefits of Silicones in pet Grooming Product:

  • Smoothes hair cuticle
  • Helps hair resist humidity
  • Aids detangling and brush out
  • Facilitates deshedding by adding slip to hair and reducing static cling in the coat
  • Protects hair from thermal damage from heat drying
  • Allows hair to be dried and shaped with less heat application
  • Adds shine and glow to all coat types
  • Provides conditioning without over softening
  • Creates a breathable film that seals in essential moisture to hair cortex and prevents moisture loss
  • Protects hair cuticle from damage by brushing and combing
  • Significantly decreases drying time of all coat types (saves time, conserves electricity)

-The Polisher/Detangler removes tangles quickly but best of all PREVENTS them from returning!  Virtually outlasts other brands of products 3 – 5x’s longer. It will Strengthen, Restore, and Condition the mane, tail, forelock and Feather. There is no Residue, and it will penetrate the hair. Start with a big dollop of Polisher apply to the wet or dry, or dirty, or clean, mane, tail, forelock, feather. Got cold weather? The Detangler will not freeze, so great for winter maintenance!

The MLH System including the Hydrate 24 and Shock will gently remove Yellow stains through hydration as you maintain, including urine (may take longer) and the system will keep them away too!  The Polisher will help keep the hair healthy and protect and prevent saturation and penetration of stains. Maintained is so easy, just apply Hydrate 24 and Polisher  1 – 3 x’s a week (depends on color and results you want). Our products have no harsh whitening agents; No bleach, No Blue, No Silver,  No harsh chemicals and therefore no damage to the hair.

The MLH SYSTEM (Hydrate 24, Polisher, Restore Shampoo, Brushes)  allows one to groom faster, easier, and more effectively with just a few steps, sometimes just one! The products work together to give a longer, silkier, smoother, mane and tail while adding shine to the equine coat as well, keeping the horse cleaner too! Mane-ly Long Hair improves the overall condition of the hair, keeping the hair restored and stronger, therefore maintenance is QUICKER and EASIER with SPECTACULAR RESULTS!

Our products are used for regular maintenance and acute care: besides regular easy maintenance, MLH is great in preventing and getting out bad tangles, burrs, & witches knots. The Product helps to PREVENT tangles, to keep hair hydrated, cleaner, healthier, with shine too. The products will recondition and improve texture and  prevent breakage  thus giving long, fuller manes and tails even without washing!

Mane-ly  products lasts significantly longer and you get outstanding results!  The actual costs per use is drastically lower than the other products out there; their price is lower, but the costs to use them is greatly more, with minimum short term results. THAT’S why our product will ultimately cost you less and give outstanding show ready results…lasting 3- 5 x’s longer plus, than any product currently on the market today. We list all our ingredients on our labels, animal products are not required to. Many of the ingredients that the other brands use are not disclosed and they can be drying and damaging to the hair! Most products are diluted for less performance and more costs to you, where as Manely is highly concentrated giving you spectacular results and performance and a savings for you too!

Mane-ly Long Hair products are made in the U.S.A. with only quality ingredients! We do not add oils in our ingredients for most will  coat the strands and  make the hair limp, while intensifying the suns rays which will damage the hair. (oils also discolor and burn the hair and skin!) MLH IS A system that works, read the customer testimonials for the past 20 years.

Let us help you now!
for Horses, Dogs and People too…